OROOJI, Y.; SOHRABI, H.; HEMMAT, N.; OROOJALIAN, F.; BARADARAN, B.; MOKHTARZADEH, A.; MOHAGHEGH, M.; KARIMI‑MALEH, H. An Overview on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Other Human Coronaviruses and Their Detection Capability via Amplification Assay, Chemical Sensing, Biosensing, Immunosensing, and Clinical Assays. Nano-Micro Letters, [S. l.], v. 13, p. 18, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s40820-020-00533-y. Disponível em: https://www.nmlett.org/index.php/nml/article/view/695. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.